We train our students in the disciplines of Horseball, Dressage and Show Jumping at all levels.
We collaborate with foundations carrying out adapted riding lessons individually or collectively.
Preparation of Gallops.
Rate observations
The bonuses are valid for 1 year and if not used, the amount paid will not be returned.
Hípica Can Costa reserves the right to make any variation without obligation dand notice
preu amb iva
Classe esporàdica
BONUS 10 classes sense pupil·latge
Bonus col·lecitu (mínim 2 persones)
Bonus individual (1 persona)
BONUS 10 classes amb pupil·latge
Bonus col·lecitu (mínim 2 persones)
Bonus individual (1 persona)
The jumping consists of the overcoming on horseback of a set of obstacles, determined by a fixed route, formed by bars without committing any error.
The tests are disputed following some scales that involve various difficulties and groups that differentiate by heights that oscillate between 1.10 and 1.60 m.
A test of jump is that in which the horse-rider is judged under various conditions. It is a test aimed at demonstrating frankness, power, speed, dexterity and respect for the obstacle of the horse and, in the rider, the quality of his riding.

Dressage is the development of the horse through rational, methodical and balanced training. As a result, the horse becomes calm, elastic, agile and flexible, but also confident, attentive and determined, composing a perfect set with his rider.
The Dressage exams consist in the accomplishment of different exercises, calls Reprises, on the quadrilong that are valued by different judges.
These qualities are manifested by frankness and regularity in the air, harmony, lightness and ease of movement, impulse and balance, and submission to the mouth without tension or resistance. The horse thus gives the impression of transporting himself.

The Horseball is a game that faces two teams of four players in each side (plus two reserves of each team) that have to collect from the ground, without disassembling, a ball that through a set of passages and defenses, has to enter in baskets vertically arranged at the ends of the field.
It is a skillful mix of basketball, rugby and riding. The goal is reach the highest number of goals in the vertical baskets of the opposing team.
This discipline stands out due to its spectacularity, the speed of movement of each player with his horse and the peculiarity of collecting the ball without lowering the horse every time that it falls to the ground.
There are several categories of ages:
Pussins (8 to 10 years old), Benjamins (10 to 12 years old), Kadets (12 to 14 years old), Juvenile (15 to 17 years old), and Senior. In Catalonia there is a First and a Second Senior Division.

Training aimed at those who want to start practicing equestrian sports and get acquainted with the world of the horse.
- Knowledge and familiarization with the care, treatment and handling of the horse
- Correct rider's seat on the back of the horse
- Development of the balance
- First exercises on the track and initiation to the equestrian technique
- Horseback rides on the private Equestrian Center
We have designed a program aimed at children, youth and adults with the goal of achieving physical, psychological and social development.
With the introduction of the equine, we search to create a connection with the user to awake interest and motivation and to complement special educational and / or therapeutic needs.
We have calm and suitable equines for carrying out contact and riding activities always accompanied individually and directing the intervention to their own interests and needs in the most natural and respectful way.
Our program consists of:
-Presentation of the horse and contact to create a link. At this point we try to create a connection between the user and the equine by developing sensory capacity.
-We begin interacting with the horse giving the opportunity to undertake responsibilities on him through handling such as showering, brushing, braiding the mane, making hooves ... among other actions.
-Next we equip riders and amazons with vest and helmet to make the ride; the horse has the appropriate equipment to give maximum comfort and safety to the user.
To facilitate the climb on the horse we have an ergonomic ramp.
-On individual we start the activities on track.
The activities that are carried out are flipping with the horse, we make circuits with colored materials such as cones, bars and ropes, we touch the horseball ball and play with bows of different dimensions among other elements that help us interact with the user .
-We continue the rest of activities with ponies.
We make the relevant presentation of the ponies to the users and start contact activities without mounting.
We will do short walks around the equestrian area like pastures for the pony and gain confidence to proceed to the realization of circuits inside the track on foot.
-To finish, we take out the equipment to the horses and ponies and return them to their respective paddock or stable rewarding the animal with snacks, dry bread or fruit.
In order to carry out this program, we have the facilities adapted for people with limitation of the locomotor system. All services, local, stables and other elements are at the same level without stops or ramps that can prevent access.
The Galops are the Riders Training programs, based on the Galops Program established by the RFHE that consists of nine levels of fitness and knowledge of horse riding techniques, handling and care of horses, in the three stages of sports training: Initiation, Improvement and Specialization.
At Costa Can Costa we have technical examiners that are recognized by the RFHE and the FCH, and are in possession of their corresponding Sports License. Our Club is Federated, Certified and Registered in the Registry of Entities of the General Secretary of Sports.
Having Galops will allow you to establish the levels of acquired capacity and will be used to have a theoretical and practical training for riding, obtain a competition license and, for that reason, participate in the competitions of the different disciplines and demonstrate , by means of the document acreditativo, your equestrian knowledge.
To obtain the Galops you must pass the exam and be in possession of the corresponding Federal License for the current year, if this is not the case; at the Can Costa Equestrian Center will process it.